The 5 worst heresies of all time


As you can imagine, with such a huge and global religion like Catholicism, there are a lot of haters, I mean heretics. Heretics by their definition are those who dissent from a certain religion and its dogmas, or truths. It is also used to define those who are baptized member of the Roman Catholic Church who reject an accepted truth and promote their own false teaching, or heresy. So I decided to create a list of the top 5 most ludacris heresies of all time

5.Adoptionisim- Says that Jesus wasn't born divine, but was adopted by God after he was born

4.Word of Faith-  Heresy that states that God will make all your financial dreams come true if you follow his commandments.

3.Sedevacantism-  Says that the current Pope and any Popes since 1914 aren't real Popes and shouldn't be able to have the papacy

2.Albigensian- Heresy that states God created Heaven but Satan created the Earth.

1.Calvinism - Religion created from separated from the Catholic Church, one of its doctrines is that Christ  suffered in Hell

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