The Rites of the Catholic Church

 The Rites of the Catholic Church
When we pray the Nicene Creed, towards the end of the prayer we recited the Four Marks of the Catholic Church: One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. Most of you know that the definition of Catholic is universal, meaning it is open to the world. When the Apostles first left Rome after the establishing of the first Church, they went to evangelize and make disciples of all nations. To make Churches in these different countries, the Apostles needed to understand the customs of the local area. This is where rites come in.

A Rite of the Catholic Church is a just the same as the Catholic Church, just their liturgies and traditions are different. A Catholic can participate in any mass and receive the Eucharist in any rite, they just will not be accustomed to their procedure and prayers since that Catholic is used to his/her own rite. The most famous rite is the Roman Catholic Rite, the main rite used in the United States. There are many rites spread across the world and here they are:

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